ENSAR2: a European project for Nuclear Physics ENSAR2 is the integrating activity for European nuclear scientists who are performing research in three of the major subfields defined by NuPECC: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications.
It proposes an optimised ensemble of Networking (NAs), Joint Research (JRAs) and Transnational Access Activities (TAs), which will ensure qualitative and quantitative improvement of the access provided by the current ten infrastructures (GANIL-SPIRAL2 (F), joint LNL-LNS (I), CERN-ISOLDE (CH), JYFL (FI), ALTO (F), GSI (D), KVI-CART (NL), NLC (PL), IFIN-HH/ELI-NP (RO) and the theoretical physics facility: ECT* (I)), which are at the core of this project.
Our community of nuclear scientists makes great effort to pursue excellent scientific programmes at these infrastructures and to apply state-of-the-art developments to other fields and to benefit humanity (e.g., archaeology, medical imaging). These activities ensure a high-level socio-economic impact.

ENSAR2 has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 654002.
To enhance the access to these facilities, the community has defined a number of JRAs dealing with novel and innovative technologies to improve the operation of the facilities. The NAs of ENSAR2 have been set-up with specific actions to strengthen the communities coherence around certain research topics and to ensure a broad dissemination of results and stimulate multidisciplinary, application-oriented research and innovation at the Research Infrastructures.

NUSPRASEN is the physics network in ENSAR-2, which organizes and supports workshops on

  • Nuclear structure
  • Nuclear reactions
  • Nuclear astrophysics
  • Superheavy element research

These workshops will

  • raise synergies of the ENSAR-2 work packages and the ENSAR-2 transnational access facilities
  • coordinate the related activities and disseminate its results


Task 1: Coordination of activities and dissemination

  • Set up a steering committee (5-7 persons)
  • Establish contacts to other ENSAR2 activities (PASPAG, PSeGe, RESIST, SATNuRSE, EURISOL, TecHIBA, MIDAS, NUSPIN, GDS, and ENSAF) and manage the activities of this NA
  • In particular, coordinate Task 2:
    • decide on the annual workshops (topical focus, key participants, expected outcome, etc.) and allocate the necessary funds.
    • promote the information exchange in the scientific community, guide the scientific discussions, and inspire the development of new physics directions and instrumental methods.
    • establish and maintain contacts to NuPECC (and contribute to the LRP), ESFRI and possibly to other relevant groups

Task 2: Physics goals, synergies, future directions

  • Subtask 2.1: Nuclear structure
    The objective of this task is to develop new complementary and specific profiles for the development of theory-driven experiments and instrumentation. The network will facilitate novel programmes in nuclear-structure physics of nuclei under extreme conditions.
  • Subtask 2.2: Nuclear reactions
  • The interplay between nuclear structure and reactions is attracting increasing attention and the important content in increasingly more exclusive observables is a future challenge. The influence of the continuum also makes reactions with loosely bound nuclei a tool for advancing fundamental reaction theory. In order to achieve a basic understanding, development of reaction theory and codes and intense mobility of experimental group members and facility representatives is mandatory.
  • Subtask 2.3: Nuclear astrophysics
    Nuclear astrophysics brings the nuclear reactions, which take place in astrophysical environments, into the laboratory. The network will strengthen the collaborations in terms of:
    • identification, discussion and assessment on the advances of indirect methods, in particular of those using radioactive beams
    • the formation of new collaborations and user groups, mainly attracting students and young scientists through dedicated workshops. The European Network of Nuclear Astrophysics Schools (ENNAS) will be supported.
    • connect groups and create synergies between nuclear physics for astrophysics, astronomical observations, cosmochemistry, nucleosynthesis calculations, stellar evolution modelling, for mutual benefits
  • Subtask 2.4: Superheavy elements
    In recent years the focus in superheavy element research extended from the pure production and identification towards the study of their atomic, chemical and detailed nuclear-structure properties. This subtask aims at the discussion of present achievements, new directions and efficient use of instrumental equipment.


NUSPRASEN Organization

Coordinator: Christoph Scheidenberger
Deputy Coordinator: Livius Trache

Steering Committee

  • Angela Bonaccorso (INFN-Pisa, Italy)
  • Maria Borge (CERN, Switerland)
  • Peter Dendooven (KVI-CART, The Netherlands)
  • Zsolt Fülop (Atomki, Hungary)
  • Rodi Herzberg (U.Liverpool, UK)
  • Ari Jokinen (U.Jyväskylä, Finland)
  • Denis Lacroix (IPN-Orsay, France)
  • Silvia Lenzi (U.Padova, Italy)
  • Adam Maj (U.Cracow, Poland)
  • Christoph Scheidenberger (JLU and GSI, Germany)
  • Livius Trache (IFIN-HH, Romania)

Workshop Comittees

The NUSPRASEN workshops are organized by individual Scientific Committees, which are composed of several members of the NUSPRASEN Steering Committee and other members with specific expertise.


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